
The choice of location as a strategic course

The decision by amplimind to choose LabCampus as its new company headquarters reflects an in-depth strategic consideration that goes far beyond the selection of office space. “LabCampus gives us the opportunity to work in an innovative environment and to exchange ideas with other creative minds,” explains Bettina Bernhardt, Managing Director of amplimind. This election underscores the company's commitment to establish itself in a dynamic location that promotes both internal collaboration and external networking with key players in the mobility and technology industries.

LabCampus: A location that connects

"The LabCampus location is ideal for us, as it is easily accessible to everyone and enables synergies with other leading technology companies directly on site,” adds Bernhardt. “The central location at the airport makes it easier for team members spread across Germany to get together — an invaluable advantage in today's flexible working environment. In addition, the attractive location and surrounding area increases the appeal for existing and potential new employees, which was also a decisive factor in our choice of location."


A predestined location for mobility and innovation

amplimind has a close connection to mobility in general and, of course, to the airport, so that the LabCampus location is simply predestined for us,” emphasizes Bernhardt. As a young joint venture, amplimind sees LabCampus as the ideal place to utilize synergies and promote strategic partnerships. The geographical location in the Munich metropolitan region and the connection to the Bavarian innovation ecosystem offer additional opportunities for growth and networking.

Design and space: Flexibility meets sustainability

amplimind's special requirements for the building and office space reflect the company's agile and future-oriented attitude. “We were able to implement our wishes for the distribution of office space with full flexibility,” explains Bernhardt. The commitment to a sustainable building concept and sophisticated interior and exterior architecture underline the effort to create a functional and aesthetically appealing working environment.

The office space sets standards for a new working environment.

Flexibility, exchange and creative joint work were the focus of the design of the new office. The spaces are designed to meet the requirements of a completely new working environment and the needs of the dynamic and fast-growing team


A glimpse into the future

Future prospects and sense of community

Active participation in the LabCampus community is an essential aspect of choosing a location for amplimind. “An active community and comprehensive exchange of knowledge are extremely inspiring,” underlines Bernhardt. This not only promotes intellectual exchange and mutual inspiration, but is also a decisive advantage over isolated workplaces. The prospects that arise from being close to other innovative companies are invaluable to amplimind. By choosing LabCampus as a new location, amplimind is not only focusing on a visionary working environment, but also showing the importance of finding collaborative solutions, which lays the foundation for sustained corporate success.